David Janson's
Model Engine Designer
and Manufacturer Profiles

Created: July 2006
Last Update: December 2012


Model engine builders and collectors are great ones for self-published and "small press" books. This makes sense as the market for such publications is as small as it is passionate. A prime example is Model Engine Designer And Manufacturer Profiles It was compiled by the late David R Janson from a series published in the newsletter of the Denver chapter of SAM, the Society of Antique Modellers. This series, researched and written by David, spanned ten years and covered 113 subjects. David deserves special praise as his book carries an encouragement to copy and reproduce as you will to further the hobby of model airplane building and engine collecting.

The section that follows gives David's introduction, followed by an Alphabetical Index of the reviews. This index lists all of the 113 subjects in alphabetical order. The number reflects the sequence of publication. Where I have good color photos of the subjects, I've OCR'd the text to create a web page. These are hyperlinked from the index entries. Note a correction: Reviews 107 and 108 are transposed in the published index. They are shown correct in the table.


In the early 1990s our Society of Antique Modelers Club, SAM #1, here in the greater Denver, Colorado area, had a monthly newsletter called "Exhibits", which continues to this day in the winter of 2006. We had an excellent editor, one Gaylord Kirkham whom I, in casual conversation with one day, inquired if he would like to have a page each month, dedicated to an old or new model engine. Kirk said he sure would.

For some months after retirement, I had been contemplating a contribution to our newsletter to add additional interest of a slightly different nature and at the same time satisfy my historical writing interests concerning model engines. As a long time member of SAM and the Model Engine Collectors Association (MECA) I am an active collector and flyer of the old and new model engines.

Stop for a minute and think about what it takes to design, manufacture and sell a model airplane engine. One must realize that the old "sparkers" and the new glow engines are the result of much planning, loss of income most of the time and time wasted in getting them to market. And what a hard to please market we modelers are. Only a very few of the manufacturers have made any "real" money over the years and the same is true today. The big bugaboo, cost to the modeler, back then as well as today in many instances is the deciding factor as to whether the engines will sell. Those handfull of designers and manufacturers who somehow managed to get "it" all together design, quality, and powerwise with the right price enabling them to stay the course and make a decent profit, are the exception. And interestingly enough, many of the "failures" are the most sought after collecting engines which command the highest current prices...the rarities, because so few were manufactured and sold.

Producing a model airplane engine has to be a labor of love...that's what it surely was in the early days and still to a certain extent is today. And for those of us who were "bitten" by the old and new engines it is also a labor of great interest (love?) to seek them out, buy, sell and restore, "and display our wares so that others can enjoy them, too. Sadly the years are passing for us and our old engine interests and the "youngsters" coming up in the hobby world are oriented entirely differently than what our interests are. And, of course, that is one of the reasons I have made the effort to record the information in this booklet...so that "model engine thoughts" can be sustained for those in the future who will become interested.

To date I have found and appraised 41 "estates" of accumulations of old engines and paraphernalia and hundreds of single engines located throughout the Rocky Mountain area, buying engines from old time modelers who have them stashed in basements, work shops, barns, garages and sometims in the trunks of their old cars and from their widows. From singles and small groups of 5 or 10 to the largest I have appraised just short of 1,500 engines in a divorce situation, I've learned a lot about people and their hobbies.

In addition I have 40 years of correspondence from buying, selling, and trading old engines and a whole filing cabinet full of interesting articles (yes I am a clipper and saver) from which I draw much of the information in my articles.

I have tried to do three things with each article. First I strive to make it interesting with historical comments to bring the engine(s) into perspective. Second I include engine stats and details that are not boring, and third I make some observations on collectability and the interest in doing so. Each article takes a couple of weeks off and on to compile with finding a suitable picture most difficult. All articles are chosen randomly of interest at the time of writing...all composed and typed by myself.

So enjoy these "thumb nail sketches" about a very small part of our hobby history, compiled "along the way" these past 10 years.

David R. Janson
SAM #276
Winter, 2006

3Aero 35, horizontal piston engine, glow, 1963, USA
47Ace 64, twin spark ign., 1948, USA
106Atom 09, spark ign., 1939, USA
7Avion Mercury R/C, 1.604, spark ign., 1946, USA
58Bantam 60, twin, glow, 1980, USA
87Barker 60, man-ul-matic, spark ign., 1947, USA
112B & C 60, vertical twin, glow, 1981, Italy
24Bernhardt (HB) 61 R/C, & 21 R/C Grand Prix, glows, 1972, Germany
38Browns, Lykens 12 spark, 1940, C02s, Campus 29 glow, 1950, USA
39Cameron 23, spark ign., 1946, USA
74Cameron 15 R/C, glow, 1950, USA
61Cannon 300, 299, spark, 1945, USA
9Channel Islands "special" 10cc, spark, 1949, England
108C.I.E. 14, diesel, 1948, USA
22Cirrus 1.5 R/C, inline four, 1979 USA (also called D&B and Z&H, glow & ign.)
63CMB 60 R/C, R/CA, 1984, Italy
55Comet 35, spark ign., 1938, USA
53Condor 60, Copper King, spark ign., 1939, USA
8Conley l.2 R/C, glow, 4 cycle, 1988, USA
50Cox .049, thimbledrome, 1st mdl, 1952, USA
15Damo FS 218 R/C, 1.1, twin four-cycle glow, 1978, Sweden
34Davies-Charlton (DC) .29, Tornado twin glow, 1960 England
73Deezil 12, diesel, 1948, USA
25Dunham-Orwick 64, repro, spark ign, 1985, England
78Dylla 60, four-cycle, glow, 1980s, Austria
69English two & four cycles, Merco 60, Magnum 90, Condor 90, Hi-Max 90, 81-84
54Enya VT 240, "V" twin, four-cycle, glow, 1986, Japan
62Enya 4l-4C, four-cycle, glow, 1995, Japan
107Enya 90-4C, four cycle, glow, 1984, Japan
77Figge, 90, four cycle, glow, early 1980s, Germany
17Fisher 60 R/C, Redshift, glow, 1977, England
18Fitzpatrick 60 R/C, glow, 1978, USA
81Fox 60 R/C, Hawk, glow, 1985, USA
92Fox 1.2 R/C, twin, glow, 1979, USA
93Fox 60 R/C, Eagle III, glow, 1981, USA
100Fox 40 R/C, 500 Quickee, glow, 1984, USA
102Fox 19BB R/C, glow, 1983, USA
103Fox 78 R/C, glow, 1981, USA
4G-Mark .30 R/C, five cylinder radial, glow, 1980, Japan
71G-Mark 30 R/C, twin glow, 1981, Japan
28G.H.Q. .56, sparkign, 1940, USA
44Heatherington 23, spark ign., 1948, USA
104Herkimer 60, DeLuxe, spark ign., 1940, USA
48Herkimer 1.208, twin, spark ign, 1946, USA
80Hi-Max 91 R/C, glow, 1987, England
6Hirtenberger (HP), 61 R/C, glow, rear intake, 1967, Austria
79Hi-Speed, Phantoms, Torpedos 27s, pre and post war, USA
65Holland Hornet 049, glow, 1960, USA
49HP V21, R/C, four-cycle, glow, 1984, Austria
110Hur1eman 38, aristocrat, spark ign., 1939, USA
84Hurricane 24, glow, 1946, Canada
72Kalt FC-1, 45, four-cycle, glow, 1978, Japan
70Kavan PK-50, MKll, four-cycle, spark ign., 1986, Germany
16Kende1 1.2, glow, twin, 1978, USA
25K & M Orwick 64, spark ign., 1984, England
30Hiness 60 R/C, Arrow, in1ine single 1975, Japan
19Kraft 60 R/C, glow, 1974, USA
29Krasnorutskij 60 R/C, inline single, glow 1974, Russia
60Laser 75, four-cycle, glow, 1984, England
96Leja 90, four-cycle, spark ign., 1947, USA
56Maloney 1.00, spark ign., 1986, Korea
51Mamiya 60, spark ign., 1949, Japan
113MDS 61, R/C, glow, 1997, Russia
36Merco 61 R/C, glow, 1958, England
83Merlin 24, glow, 1946, Canada/USA
76Mike GR6, 1.00, 5 cylinder radial, glow, 1989, USA
27Micron M4-24, 58, R/C glow, four cylinder, 1973, France
52Mite 098, diesel, 1947, USA
31Moki M6, 1.5 R/C glow, 1976, Hungary
82Morton M5, four-cycle, 5 cylinder spark ign., 1947, USA
32MVVS 10 R/C, glow, 1969, Czech Republic
41Nordec 60, glow, 1950, England
2Northfield-Rosspower 1.206, R/C glow, 1972, USA
99OPS 60 R/C, super, glow, 1982, Italy
64OPS 1.20 R/C, four-cycle, glow, 1984, Italy
5O.S. Wankel (Graupner), 30 Glow, rotary piston engine, 1982, Japan
12O.S. 29, glow, 1951, Japan
42O.S. 56, type 6 (K6), spark ign., 1940/1988
87O.S. 1.60 Gemini Twin, glow, 1985, Japan
109O.S. 108 FSR (BX-l) glow, 1984, Japan
14OTC 19, spark ign., 1993, USA
37PAL 55, spark ign., 1950, USA
111PAW 29, diesel, 1992, USA [sic]
20Profi 6lF, glow, 1975, Germany
85R.V.E. 60, four-cycle glow, 1982, England
23Saito G-60 R/C, spark ign., 1978, Japan
105Saito 100 R/C twin, glow, 1996, Japan
89Saito FA 90T, MkII, R/C glow, twin, 1994, Japan
84Sesqui 09 diesel, 1982, Australia
11Simplex 19A, Hornet, and 25 MkII, spark ign., 1978-83, USA
35Skylark 60, spark ign, magneto, 1981, England
40Strato Super 60, spark ign., 1942, Canada
43Strong 45, glow vertical twin R/C, 1964-65, Japan
33Suevia 1.5, type 22 R/C, glow, 1978, Germany
68Super Cyclone 60, spark ign, 1939, USA
75Super Tigre XII, R/C, glow, 1985, Italy
90Super Tigre G. 60 bluehead, glow, 1977, Italy
97Super Tigre X6l R/C, glow, 1988, Italy
45Syncro 56, ace, spark ign., 1939, USA
46Syncro B30, spark ign., 1940, USA
10Taipan 40 R/C, glow, 1975, Australia
1Taplin 49, MkIII Twin, R/C, diesel, 1967, England
13Technopower II, R/C, spark ign, 5 cylinder radial, four-cycle, 1981, USA
101Technopower II, R/C, glow, 5 cylinder "big bore" four-cycle 1983, USA
26Tlush 61, ace, spark ign., 1936-1972
66Thor 49, spark ign., 1946, USA
95Thunder Tiger F9lS, R/C glow four-cycle, 1997, Taiwan
67Wahl, replicas, glow ign., 1958-2001, USA
21Webra 61 R C glow, 1980, Germany & OS Max 61 FSR GS 2A, 1983, Japan,geared
57Webra T4, .87, four-stroke, glow, 1980, Germany
91Webra 61 R/C, blackhead, glow, 1972, Germany
98Webra 61 R/C, racing, glow, 1979, Germany

For a full review of this publication,
see Model Engine News, August 2006.


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